Open Your Mind to a World of Infinite Possibilities
WordPress themes are what create the look and feel of a website. They dictate the website layout, header style, menu style and placement, the size of the content section, the background image or colour, text or heading sizes and styles and much much more. The layout combinations are limited only by your imagination.
Themes are not templates. For WordPress to function properly, it has to have a theme applied. You’re website design is not typically limited by a theme, and WordPress websites using the exact same theme can have a design and appearance that is so far different that you’d have no clue they were related in any way.
Without a theme, there is no design to see on your website other than plain text and images all aligned to the left side of the screen. We use a small selection of powerful WordPress themes that are as customisable and adaptive as possible, while retaining an extensive underlying functional framework. This means that the variety of designs that can be applied to your website build and virtually infinite.
Our theme selection is also 100% mobile screen compatible and pre-configured to be fully responsive. Responsiveness is recommended over mobile websites because it’s not limited to a preset screen size, it’s truly flexible and will resize according the browser window size, irrespective of what size screen it’s shown on.
Some of the ways in which our WordPress themes offer infinite design choices:
- Multiple Header Layouts
- Variable Content Style & Width
- Customisable Footer Display
- Full Screen Slide Shows
- Functional HTML5 Add-Ons
- Google or Custom Fonts
- Unlimited sidebar variations
- Header transparency
- Fancy page title elements
- Variable row styles
- Customisable template files
- Font size selections
- Dynamic content aggregation
- Responsive or device specific elements
- CSS3 styling
- Range of Icon sets
- Custom widgets
- Menu styles